Waller vs Wildstorm #1 (Of 4) Cover A Jorge Fornes (Mature)

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    In the early 1980s, as the Cold War stubbornly refuses to thaw, a new battle heats up...for the soul of the intelligence agency Checkmate. As the agency's super-heroic public face, Jackson King--a.k.a. the armored Battalion, former leader of Stormwatch and the symbol of American might--has long suspected that Adeline Kane is up to dirty tricks overseas, engineering horrors that betray everything he believes about service to one s country. But King doesn't know that Kane has a clever new ally--an ambitious young woman named Amanda Waller. She has her own ideas about how metahumans can serve their country. And honor, dignity, and long lives don't factor into them... National-security reporter Spencer Ackerman (the Daily Beast, Reign of Terror), comics and video game writer Evan Narcisse (Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Gotham Knights), and veteran artist Eric Battle (Aquaman, Kobalt) celebrate WildStorm's legacy of espionage-flavored superhero morality plays, pitting Stormwatch against the deadliest people in the DCU--including Deathstroke himself!

    - $8.09

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