Graphic Novel Group (GNG) meets at L.A. Mood’s, the second Saturday of the month,from 11AM to Noon, to discuss a featured Graphic Novel and is open to all lovers of sequential art. January’s meeting is the pitch meeting where we get together and create the schedule for the rest of the year. We post our schedule of featured graphic novels on our Facebook group LA Mood Graphic Novel Group.

Each year we try to pick a diverse group of graphic novels, including at least one “capes and cowls” book, a Canadian book for July, and have at least one guest speaker. Past guest speakers have included Jeff Lemire, Andy Belanger, Conor McCreary, Anthony Del Col, Diana Tamblyn, DS Barrick and Scott MacDougall, and Reglo Guerrero. Side activities have included summer barbecues, movie nights: Crumb and art exhibits: Seth’s Dominion at Museum London. We try to make it interesting!

L.A. Mood’s offers 25% off the price of the featured books for the year, but it is not a requirement to buy them from us. New people are always welcome, even if you have not read the book and you do not mind spoilers!

Check Our Graphic Novel Facebook Group for the Latest Schedule and Details

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