L.A. Mood Comics & Games opened in 1991 in its original location on King Street before moving to Dundas Street 1996,then to its Richmond Street location in 2002, and now to it is currently located at 100 Kellogg. The store is owned by lifelong comic fans Gord Mood & Carol Vandenberg. Together with their amazing staff L.A. Mood is proud to bring Londoners the best in comics, Magic the Gathering, board games, graphic novels, and more. Visit us today!

L. A. Mood Comics & Games 100 Kellogg Ln Suite 5, London, ON N5W 0B4

Driving directions

L. A. Mood Comics & Games
100 Kellogg Ln Suite 5, London, ON N5W 0B4
Phone: (519) 432-3987

Address 100 Kellogg Lane, Suite 5,
London, Canada, N5W0B4
Phone Number 519 432 3987

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