A magical world boasts many places where students can study magic and many sages who take eager learners under their wings. But being accepted to Strixhaven University is a special honor, the dream of many young students. Strixhaven is a place of enlightenment and learning, and both its graduates and its delegates are typically welcomed and respected wherever they go.
Gemini - Black w/Purple & Gold - $7.95
Gemini - Black w/Grey & Green - $7.95
Gemini - Purple w/Red & Gold - $7.95
Gemini - Steel w/Teal & White - $7.95
Marble - Oxi-Copper w/White - $7.95
Nebula - Wisteria w/White - $7.95
Scarab - Scarlet w/Gold - $7.95
Mini Polyhedral 7pc Dice Set