Lady Death is internationally recognized as one of the most iconic, enthralling and legendary fantasy characters the world has ever known. The greatest artists of our time bring Lady Death to life in swimsuit-themed masterpieces by Elias Chatzoudis, Jeremy Clark, Kate Colors, Mike DeBalfo, David Delanty, Chris Ehnot, Sean Forney, Joel Gomez, David Harrigan, Ken Hunt, Sun Khamunaki, Ryan Kincaid, Mike Krome, Dawn McTeigue, Dan Mendoza, Matt Merhoff, Jonboy Meyers, Monte Moore, Sanju Nivangune, Richard Ortiz, Paolo Pantalena, Arif Prianto, Sabine Rich, Anthony Spay, Lorenzo Sperlonga, Sorah Suhng, Nathan Szerdy, Tevan, Collette Turner, Jose Varese, and Jesse Wichmann! Comes bagged and boarded.