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    Timothy Truman (W), Tomás Giorello (P), Richard Corben (P), José Villarrubia (C), and Frank Cho (Cover)

    On sale Dec 17
    FC, 40 pages

    Richard Corben illustrates another gripping Connacht flashback, as we witness how Conan's grandfather returned to Cimmeria, found a bride, and tamed his wanderlust in order to become an integral part of his tribe. In Conan's present, Conan has overcome impossible odds and trials to return to the Cimmerian village he grew up in-only to find that much has changed in the years he's been away. With Brecan and his men closing in on the fugitive Caollan, will Conan's reunion with his former Cimmerian lover get cut short?

    With moody interiors by both Richard Corben and Tomás Giorello, Conan the Cimmerian continues Dark Horse Comics' exciting exploration of Robert E. Howard's beloved barbarian hero.

    "Beautifully rendering Robert E. Howard's poem, 'Cimmeria,' Truman and Giorello do an outstanding job of setting the grandiose tone for their upcoming reboot by telling a simple, yet poignant story."

    "Tomás Giorello...has the Conan formula down to a science."

    Conan the Cimmerian © 2008 Conan Properties International LLC ("CPI"). CONAN, CONAN THE BARBARIAN, THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN, HYBORIA, and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of CPI. All rights reserved.

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