Set in a generic Fredericton suburb called Skyline Acres, this is the fictional biography of Martin Peters, a teenager with type one diabetes. The story revolves around Martin's relationship with his on-again off-again high school girlfriend, and how, desperate to fit in, he begins neglecting his health. His condition deteriorates until, eventually, he finds himself fighting for his life in the hospital. But how much of the story is true?
vol 02 Fandemonium (#6-11) - $19.95
Vol 05 Imperial Phase part 1 (#23-28) - $19.95
Vol 06 Imperial Phase part 2 (#29-33) - $21.95
Vol 07 Mothering Invention (#34-39) - $23.95
Vol 08 Old is the New New (Collects all 6 specials) - $23.95
Vol 09 "Okay" (#40-45) - $23.95
The Wicked +The Divine TP
Vol 01 Collects #1-6 - $14.95
Vol 02 Collects #7-12 - $19.95
Vol 08 Collects 43-48 - $19.95