In Braintopia players compete in various challenges that each exercise a distinct brain function. The first player to claim enough challenges to gain four brain pieces to assemble a complete brain wins.
The game includes 80 challenge cards that are placed face down to begin. The back of each card indicates the type of challenge the players are about to face.
One player flips over the top card and players race to complete the challenge. As soon as a player thinks they know the right answer, they quickly place their hand over the card to cover it up and give their answer.
They then remove their hand and everyone checks to see if the answer was correct or not.
If the player was wrong, the card is discarded and that player sits out the next challenge.
If the player is correct, they claim the card.
As soon as a player has 2 cards of the same type (same card back), they discard the pair of cards and claim a brain piece.
Once a player has claimed a 4th brain piece, the game ends and that player wins!
Gemini - Black w/Grey & Green - $7.95
Gemini - Purple w/Red & Gold - $7.95
Gemini - Steel w/Teal & White - $7.95
Marble - Oxi-Copper w/White - $7.95
Nebula - Wisteria w/White - $7.95
Scarab - Scarlet w/Gold - $7.95
Lustrous - Gold w/Silver - $7.95
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