CATAN Histories: Settlers of America – Trails to Rails

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    About the game

    As more and more settlers head west, new cities pop up like mushrooms. Due to the distances between them, these new cities quickly come to rely on new railroads for the transport of vital goods. Trails become rails and create great wealth. Soon, a complex railroad network develops, and steam belching iron horses connect the thriving cities.

    Cavalry - Cattle Drive - Engineer

    Experience the pioneer days of the Wild West! Send your settlers westward to found cities and to develop the expanding railroad network. If you are the first to use your trains to deliver 8 goods to your opponents' cities (or 10 goods in a 3-player game), you win the game and fulfill your manifest destiny as the era's greatest pioneer.

    Settlers of America - aufgebautes Spiel)
    Mineral Rights - Native Support - Righ of Way - Scout

      - $89.95

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