UD Extended Hockey 23/24

Regular price $179.95 Sold out
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    • 12 cards per pack.
    • 12 packs per box.

    Look for 6 Young Guns® or 1st Round Rookies Cards, 4 UD Canvas® Cards, 1 Base Set - Outburst Parallel Card (Veteran, 1st Round Rookie, or Young Gun), 6 2008-09 Upper Deck Retro, 2008-09 Upper Deck Retro Young Gun, 2003-04 Beehive, and 2003-04 Beehive Rookies Cards, 1 Blue Dazzlers Card, 1 PETG Insert Card, 4 Seeing Red Cards, 6 Silver Skates and 1998-99 UD3 Cards, 2 1997-98 SPx Holoview Retro Cards, 2 2007-08 Black Diamond Cards, and 2 Wildcards (Includes Rare Ratio’d & #’d Cards!) per box on average.

    - $179.95

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