Forest City Comicon Celebrates a Decade of Nerdiness

by L.A. Mood Comics and Games

By Dan Brown

Where will you be this Sunday?

I’ll be at London’s Centennial Hall among the many fans who have helped make Forest City Comicon the long-running local success that it is.

Such a smash, in fact, that June 16 marks 10 years since the first edition of FCC was held.

In that time, it has seen visits by a hobbit, an X-Man, a Ninja Turtle, a vampire, and both Pinky and the Brain.

And I’m just talking about the celebrity guests!

The real treat for me is savouring the vibe that’s created when the members of different fandoms come together to share the love they feel for a particular comic, movie, TV show, anime or video game.

You might think fitting all those many pop-culture enthusiasts into one place would set off sparks, but it’s the opposite. The atmosphere is peaceful and positive. I really dig it.

“What I love about comicons is these are people who are passionate about something,” says Ian Tyson, a host and member of the FCC organizing committee.

“That passion makes for a good audience member” at panels, adds Tyson, who – as part of the Just Us League, along with Jeremy Bushell and Brad Bushell – has led panels in the past on topics like debating the merits of Superman movies versus Batman films.

Tyson says the assembled fandoms have joined to make a community that has lasted a decade and counting.

A highlight for Tyson came in 2017 when he made second breakfast live on stage during a question-and-answer session with Billy Boyd, the actor who played the heroic halfling Pippin in the Lord of the Rings movies.

“Our goal starting out was to be an alternative to (Toronto’s) Fan Expo, not to replicate it,” explains organizer Carol Vandenberg. “We hoped to define a London version by focusing on local and more accessible talent.”

As far as I can see, mission accomplished.

This year features a guest lineup that includes a strong Star Trek presence. Both Sara Mitich and Patrick Kwok-Choon have appeared on the just-concluded Discovery while T.J. Storm is known for his motion-capture performances in such movies as Godzilla: King of the Monsters and Deadpool.

“Our goal is to make the biggest one-day show we can, bursting with activities, local talent, emerging celebrities and not-forgotten fan favourites,” Vandenberg says.

The cosplay contest at FCC is legendary, and there will also be face-painting, panels, two floors of vendors, a Harry Potter photo booth, food trucks, and a Mario Kart competition.

Although it’s taken for granted now, no one knew before 2014 if a fan convention of this size would work in London.

Fellow organizer Gord Mood says the show mostly draws fans from its namesake community, but also from towns as far as two hours away.

“When I think about the first time I did it, it doesn’t feel that long ago,” Mood reflects. “We know what to do (now), but it’s still a lot of work.”

And where a big-city show such as Fan Expo can afford to bring in 20 or 30 celebrity guests, Mood and his crew have to be more strategic about their resources. “I think cons have to be diverse enough to appeal to a large fan base rather than a particular type (of fan),” he says.

“Early success led us to try out larger venues and weekend-long shows, but we found that really did not work out for us,” Vandenberg says. “COVID allowed us to go back to basics and perfect our original model.”

I’ll see you there!

Dan Brown has covered pop culture for more than 31 years as a journalist and also moderates L.A. Mood’s monthly graphic-novel group.

P.S. Forest City Comicon tickets are still available

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